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The need for better understanding on the effectiveness of measures to address school exclusion
by Kyann Zhang, LSE School exclusion has been a topic of rising interest over the past few decades, and with this there is ... Read more
The Importance of Youth Voice in Alternative Provision Research
Dr Craig Johnston, The University of the West of England, Bristol. Dr Simon Bradford, Brunel University, London. Research with ... Read more
Reconciling paradoxes of educational assessment and inclusive education – A comparative view
By Christian Ydesen, Alison L. Milner, Tali Aderet-German, Ezequiel Gomez Caride, and Youjin Ruan Paradoxes of ... Read more

Absence from School and Absence of Data: The Punitiveness of Ignoring School Absenteeism in ‘Penal Exceptionalism’ Author: Jasmina Arnez
Absence from School and Absence of Data: The Punitiveness of Ignoring School Absenteeism in ‘Penal Exceptionalism’ School ... Read more
Public Seminar 061022 (3) Read more
We don’t just need fewer exclusions: we need more inclusive education and a more inclusive society
by Luke Billingham, youth worker for Hackney Quest and Research Associate on the ESRC-funded Public Health, Youth & Violence ... Read more
When things don’t work: How do we find out the views of children excluded from school?
Post by: Sarah Johnson, President, PRUsAP When things don’t work: How do we find out the views of children excluded from ... Read more
More or less when it comes to inclusion? Thoughts on the SEND Green Paper
There are good indications that mainstream schools are excluding children through both formal and informal mechanisms and that some groups, particularly those with special educational needs (SEN), are disproportionately represented Read more

How has Covid-19 affected school exclusion in Scotland?
The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on education has been vast and deep. In Scotland and across the UK, although education practitioners have used technology and found new and creative ways to meet the needs of learners, the pandemic, and responses to it, have profoundly affected young people’s lives. For young people who are at risk of exclusion, the impact is likely to have been worse. Read more

Exploring the Links Between School Exclusion and Youth Homelessness
The Excluded Lives project aims to understand the contextual and institutional processes that lead to different types of formal and informal school exclusion and the consequences for excluded young people, their families, schools, and other professionals across the UK. Read more

Webinar on the legislative and policy context around school exclusions: a comparison of UK jurisdictions (Scottish Educational Research Association Webinar, December 2021)
Members of the Excluded Lives team presented findings from their analysis of the legislative and policy contexts underpinning school exclusion in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Read more
Long-term labour market and economic consequences of school exclusions in England: Evidence from two counterfactual approaches
May 2021 Long-term labour market and economic consequences of school exclusions in England: Evidence from two counterfactual approaches Joan Madia, Ingrid Obsuth, Ian Thompson, Harry Daniels and Aja Murray Read more

Special education needs of excluded children in Wales
Pupils differ significantly in terms of their individual characteristics and needs. It’s therefore important for schools to be able to identify and assess the level of need/disability, and provide for pupils with learning difficulties that call for special education provision, described as special education needs (SEN). Read more

Area level variations of school exclusions across Wales
School practices on discipline and punishment of disruptive behaviour can affect the exclusion rates being recorded and they have been shown to vary across different jurisdictions of the UK. These practices could be closely linked to and shaped by pupil-level characteristics and needs, including free school meals (FSM) eligibility and special education needs (SEN) provision rates in each school. Read more

Characteristics of excluded children in Wales
Annual official reports published by the Welsh Government primarily focus on exclusion instances; their yearly trends and variations by key characteristics, such as ethnicity and reason for exclusion. However, there is a need to expand this analysis by focusing on excluded individuals and the potential consequences of school exclusions on pupil outcomes. Read more

School exclusions in Wales on the rise
There is evidence to suggest that school exclusions can have negative effects on children’s lives. Exclusions have been associated with poor educational outcomes, and long-term physical and mental health problems. We need to investigate how patterns of exclusions and characteristics of excluded pupils differ across time and can help to inform current understanding of possible risk factors. Read more

Disgraceful Labelling: Race, Special Education and Exclusion
It took fifty years before a TV programme was made about a disgraceful period in Britain’s educational history that has had long lasting effects on thousands of people from minority groups, especially those of Black Caribbean Heritage. “Subnormal: A British Scandal (20th May 2021) directed by Steve McQueen and produced by Lytanna Shannon provided a much needed service in bringing a dismal period of ‘education’ to public attention. The special education area is littered with insulting labels, and assumptions were and still are made that children who have learning difficulties or whom teachers regard as troublesome, can be labelled and removed from mainstream schooling. Read more

Silence in the experience of exclusion
In December 2020 we launched our first feature length documentary – ‘Excluded’, which only features the voices and stories of young people with lived and learned experience of exclusion in some way. Some of the young people had been temporarily excluded, some permanently, some had never been excluded – but we felt compelled by Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to give them all a voice. Read more

The County Lines Were Not In Quarantine
Despite the arrival of the vaccine giving us some light at the end of the tunnel, worries about jobs, health and finances prevail as we enter what will undoubtedly be an uncertain period post-lockdown. The people St Giles supports were keenly feeling these worries and the advent of Covid exacerbated them further. Clients we had previously successfully supported into stable homes and employment returned to us once more as they become laid off as a result of the lockdown. Financial worries and mental health issues soared. Some of our caseloads trebled overnight. Read more

What’s the difference between exclusion and persistent absence?
Square Peg refers to ‘barriers to attendance’ which includes both persistent absence, ‘truancy’ and exclusion under that banner. All are a response to unmet need; a form of communication through what is often the only vehicle children have to express distress – behaviour, and withdrawal or anger. It’s also the same fight/flight/flop-drop/fawn responses we see in children exposed to toxic stress (trauma). Read more

Building Blocks: inclusion in the Foundation Phase
In 2018 a parent called the office of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales about their six-year-old child, who had been excluded from school for physically aggressive behaviour. At the point of the call the child was not accessing any education, and there was a dispute between the school and local authority about whether it was appropriate for the child to return to the school. Read more