Knowledge Exchange Panel



The Knowledge Exchange Panel was initially drawn from key agencies, voluntary and Third Sector organisations across the UK who we worked with in the development of the project. Since then others have joined where a shared interest in exclusion has been identified.

The purpose of the Knowledge Exchange Panel is to maximise the co-production and impact of the project by:

  • being kept informed by Excluded Lives about the research, including emerging findings and issues
  • directing us to other research and activity in the field
  • helping to link Excluded Lives to policy and practice including legislative reform and government reviews
  • and as appropriate:
    • engaging with and disseminating research findings to families and schools
    • supporting dissemination in the four UK jurisdictions.



Panel members

The following organisations are represented on our Knowledge Exchange panel

Ambitious About Autism
Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)
Children’s Law Centre
Children in Scotland
Children in Need Northern Ireland
Children’s Parliament Scotland
Children in Wales
Controlled Schools Support Council NI
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
Department for Education
Department of Education Northern Ireland
Educational Institute of Scotland
Education Scotland
Education Authority Northern Ireland
Local Government Association
Lancashire Violence Reduction Unit
National Association of Headteachers (NAHT)
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

National Children’s Bureau
National Health Service (NHS)
National Youth Agency (NYA)
Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England
Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Northern Ireland
Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Scotland
Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales
Public Health England (PHE)
Pupil Inclusion Network Scotland
SNAP Cymru
Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association (SEBDA)
Social Finance
St Giles Trust
The National Education Union
Welsh Government
Winston’s Wish
Young Minds
Youth Justice Board