Project investigators

Jemma Bridgeman
Job title - Research Officer Wales
Department - WISERD, School of Social Sciences
Supporting young people facing barriers in the education system

Rachel Condry
Job title - Co-Investigator and Work Package B1b Lead
Department - Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law
The relationship between school exclusion and youth offending; youth justice and school exclusion

Harry Daniels
Job title - Co-Principal Investigator and Work Package B3 Lead
Department - Department of Education
Understanding the reasons for school exclusion

Gavin Duffy
Job title - Co-Investigator, Northern Irish Jurisdiction Lead and Work Package B2 Lead
Department - School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Leadership and teacher perspectives on school exclusion

Hilary Emery CBE
Job title - Knowledge Exchange Lead
Department - Department of Education
Supporting the mental health and well-being of children, young people, teachers and other staff within schools so they can engage with learning and build positive relationships; developing early intervention strategies and whole school approaches recognising that learning ...

Sara Evans-Lacko
Job title - Co-Investigator and Work Package C1 Lead
Department - Care Policy and Evaluation Centre
The social and economic impacts of school exclusion; how mental health problems impact on social exclusion and how social exclusion impacts on mental health and the associated costs of both of these pathways

Rebecca Eynon
Job title - Co-Investigator
Department - Department of Education and Oxford Internet Institute
The relationships between digital inequalities and school exclusion; the use of innovative digital methods to capture young people’s life experiences

Mina Fazel
Job title - Co-Investigator
Department - Department of Psychiatry
The importance of ensuring access to mental health services and the impact this can have in altering the trajectory of children and young people at high risk of exclusion

Lucinda Ferguson
Job title - Co-Investigator
Department - Faculty of Law
Examining the relationship between the legal framework and practice of permanent exclusion from school, particularly the exercise of discretion in decision-making

Tony Gallagher
Job title - Co-Investigator
Department - School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Education policy and equity

Laura Lundy
Job title - Co-Investigator
Department - School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Education, law and children's rights

Joan Madia
Job title - Researcher on Work Package A2b
Department - Department of Sociology and Nuffield Department of Primary Health Care Sciences
Health and educational inequality; policy evaluation; causal inference

Gillean McCluskey
Job title - Co-Investigator, Scottish Jurisdiction Lead and Work Package A1 Lead
Department - Moray House School of Education and Sport
Improving outcomes for children and young people most at risk of exclusion; understanding drivers of exclusion; improving responses to children and young people and their families most at risk of exclusion

Aja Murray
Job title - Co-Investigator and Work Package A2b Co-Lead
Department - Department of Psychology
The impact of school exclusion on longer term outcomes for youth.

Ingrid Obsuth
Job title - Co-Investigator and Work Package A2b Co-Lead
Department - Clinical and Health Psychology
Medium and long term impact of school exclusion

Jill Porter
Job title - Co-Investigator and Work Package B1a Lead
Department - Department of Education
Exclusion, agency responses and Special Educational Needs and Disability

Sally Power
Job title - Co-Investigator and Work Package A3 Lead
Department - WISERD, School of Social Sciences
Public and private education provision; policy and inequality

Gareth Robinson
Job title - Co-Investigator and Research Officer Northern Ireland
Department - School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Education in divided societies

James Robson
Job title - Co-Investigator
Department - Department of Education
The experiences of young people and their families; the role of digitally mediated peer support; the implications of exclusion for future education and training experiences/outcomes and labour market trajectories

Alice Tawell
Job title - Co-investigator, Research Officer England and Work Package C3 Lead
Department - Department of Education
The enactment of school exclusion policy; the work of multi-agency teams; alternative provision; Fair Access Protocols; youth justice and school exclusion; safeguarding and school exclusion.

Chris Taylor
Job title - Co-Investigator, Welsh Jurisdiction Lead and Work Package A2a Lead
Department - SPARK, Social Science Research Park
Patterns of recorded school exclusions; exclusion from the classroom; policies about educational participation

Annie Taylor
Job title - Research Officer Scotland
Department - Institute for Education, Community and Society
Inequality, marginalisation and exclusion

Michelle Templeton
Job title - Research Officer Northern Ireland
Department - Centre for Children’s Rights
Children’s right to access a good quality education

Ian Thompson
Job title - Co-Principal Investigator, English Jurisdiction Lead and Work Package C2 Lead
Department - Department of Education
Social justice in education; disproportional overrepresentation in exclusion; initial teacher education; literacy and exclusion

Kyann Zhang
Job title - Researcher on Work Package C1
Department - Care Policy and Evaluation Centre
Economic costs associated with school exclusion including children/adolescent mental health service use
Knowledge Exchange Panel
The Knowledge Exchange Panel was initially drawn from key agencies, voluntary and Third Sector organisations across the UK who we worked with in the development of the project.
Advisory Group
The Advisory Groups, representing the four jurisdictions, comprise a mix of academics and users and will direct our team to other research and activity in the field, as well as commenting on the progress of the Excluded Lives research.